2013년 8월 14일 수요일

경영학 이케아의 SCM(영문)

경영학 이케아의 SCM(영문)
[경영학] 이케아의 SCM(영문).hwp


1. Brief Information of IKEA
3. New concept of Supply Chain Management

1. Brief Information of IKEA
IKEA is one of the leading home furnishing companies in the world. With its vision to ”create a better everyday life for the many people”, the company has reached annual sales of close to €20 billion (FY 2007) and has close to 120,000 employees. IKEA has more than 522 million visitors per year in its stores all over the world. In addition to the visitors in the stores, some 450 million visitors are tracked entering the IKEA website. IKEA’s main marketing channel is its catalogue that is distributed world-wide in 191 million copies (in 56 different editions and 27 different languages) displaying some of IKEA’s 9,500 selling articles. IKEA’s growth has been tremendous and sales are still growing. 95 IKEA’s supply chain is global with sales world wide.
The stores, which are divided into three geographical areas, are supplied through 31 distributions centres, which in turn are supplied by some 1,350 suppliers in more than 50 countries. In terms of supply (purchasing), Europe stands for 69% (Poland being the largest purchasing area with 16% of total purchasing), followed by Asia with 28 % (China 22%), and North America with 3%. The majority of sales is in Europe (82%) with Germany as the top selling country (16%), whereas North America accounts for 15% of sales (USA 10%). Asia and Australia together account only for 3% of total IKEA sales.

h its vision to ”create a better everyday life for the many people”, the company has reached annual sales of close to €20 billion (FY 2007) and has close to 120,000 employees. IKEA has more than 522 million visitors per year in its stores all over the world. In addition to the visitors in the stores, some 450 million visitors are tracked entering the IKEA website. IKEA’s main marketing channel is

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