구강악안면외과 경부 및 이하부에 발생한 침습성 지방종의 치험례
목차 초록 I. 서 론 II. 증 례 보 고 III. 고 찰 IV. 요 약 참고문헌 본문 Abstract : Lipomas are neoplasms of mesenchymal origin. Although most lipomas occur on the trunk and proximal portions of the extremities, lipomas of the oral and maxillofacial region are relatively rare, approximately 13% of all cases. Lipomas have been found in all age, but usually found between 40 and 60 years of age. Clinically the lipoma is a painless, slowly growing, nearly always benign soft mass. The treatment of choice is a surgical excision, and the recurrence is rare. But infiltrating lipoma originated from muscle has high recurrence rate. It has ill-defined border and little or no evidence of encapsulation. Histologically there is a consistent infiltration with dissociation of the surrounding muscle fiber. Infiltrating lipoma can be excised with surrounding normal muscle and tissue to avoid recurrence. This case is a 57-year-old female with a painless swelling of the right cervical and parotid areas diagnosed as large infiltrating lipoma by clinical examination and radiographic findings. The patient was treated by surgical excision and showed good functional and esthetic results. Histologically the tumor was infiltrating lipoma with no evidence of malignancy. 본문내용 으로 발생하는 지방종의 약 13% 가 발생한다 1-4). 주로 체부나 사 지에 발생하며 경부에서는 후방 경부에, 막, 협전정, 혀 및 구강저 등에서 발생한다. 드물게 전방 경부, 측두하와 및 이하선에서 발생하기도 한다 5). 어느 연령에서나 발생가능하나 4050대 성인에서 많이 관찰되며 성별이나 인 종에대한발생빈도의차이는없는것으로알려져있다 6). 지방종은 주로 피하조직에서 발생되며 무통성으로 느리게 성장하며 대부분 경계가 분명하고 피막화가 잘 되어 있다. 두 경부에 발생한 지방종은 임상 검사 및 전산화단층촬영이나 자 기공명영상 등을 이용한 방사선학적 검사에 의해 진단될 수 있다 . 특히 전산화단층촬영사진에서 unique low attenuation val- ues를 나타내므로 두경부에 발생하는 거의 모든 참고문헌 1. Enzinger FM, Weiss SW : Soft tissue tumors 2nd ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1988;301-345. 2. Barnes L : Surgical pathology of the head and neck Vol.1. New York, Dekker, 1985;747-758. 3. Batsakis JG : Tumors of the head and neck, clinical and pathological considerations 2nd ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins 1979;360-364. 4. Evans RW : Histologic appearance of tumors 2nd ed. E. and S. Livingstone Ltd. 1966;68-86. 5. Peter MS, Michael PS : Rare presentation of ordinary lipomas of the head and neck. Am J of Neuroradiol 1986;7:657-664. 6. Greer RO, Richardson JF : The nature of lipomas and their significance in the oral cavity. Oral Surg 1973;36:551-557. 7. Macgregor AJ, Dyson DP : Oral lipoma: A review of the literature and report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Patho 1966;6:770-777. 8. Hughes CH, Teras A : Intraoral lipoma with osseous metaplasia: Report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path 1966:576-578. 9. Austin MR, Mark GR, et al : Infiltrating(intramuscular) lipomas and angiolipomas. |
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