경제통합북미자유무역협정과 유럽연합 (NAFTA & EU)
목차 1. About North America and NAFTA 2. Advantage & Disadvantage of NAFTA 3. The Cases of NAFTA 4. A Comparison of NAFTA and EU 5. Conclusion of NAFTA 본문 the world is increasingly divided into trade blocs. EU and NAFTA are the two regional systems that take in almost all of the world’s largest Economies. NAFTA and the EU currently represent almost 60 percent of the worlds GDP. These Two are the largest trading bloc in the world. If you ask. “ Then which one of those is the world largest trade bloc? “ That will be a trick question .But If youre thinking in terms of combined nominal GDP, the European Union is ahead at $18.4 trillion followed by NAFTA at $16.8T, But NAFTA is ahead if the combined GDP is expressed in PPP (the purchasing power parity) terms. 본문내용 . The Cases of NAFTA 4. A Comparison of NAFTA and EU 5. Conclusion of NAFTA 1. About North America and NAFTA 1-1. About North America 1-1. About North America 1. U.S.A 1-1. About North America -USA Economy The US has the largest and the most technologically developed economy in the world. A per capita GDP of $46,900 The GDP of the US in 2009 was $14.25 trillion 4) The GDP-real growth rate |
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